Oh man a crew cab 70s F2/350 is on my bucket list of dream rides for sure. Gonna be rocking my K2500 Suburban for quite a few years longer, at least long enough to buy property and then find and fix up something older. Put a lot of work into making it a reliable tow rig over the past few years considering it sat for a while before I got it. Seem to be getting close to caught up on maintenance and repairs finally.
Currently restoring the trailer I bought on the cheap a few years ago. Spent 8 days cutting and welding all of the rotted steel between the frame rails and walls, now I'm close to finishing rust proofing the frame so I can hopefully throw the new wood floor down this weekend. Then some repairs to the aluminum skin before I can get to work insulating it and reinstalling the inner walls. Then I can FINALLY start building a workbench, storage cabinets, and some camping gear into it. Finally can't see the tires from inside so that's quite a bit of progress.