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Messages - ibeflip

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News / Albe's $149 frame sale info
« on: October 10, 2007, 11:12:11 PM »

ok..i'm getting 4253453 e-mails about the sale and since the only place i posted anything about it was here i'm guessing it's from most of you guys.  instead of answeing all the e-mails i'll do it here.

1.  yes....$149 is the's not a typo

2.  some of the frames we have alot available and some we do not.  if you want one get it QUICK as i'm guessing they will be going quick.

3.  we only plan to run the sale for 2 weeks after that all the frames will go back to regular price.

4.  shipping and discount codes are not valid with any of the $149 frames

5.  we will be sending out a mass e-mail in the next day or two letting everybody know about this sale.  once that happens stuff will probably move quick and the size and color you may want may sell out fast.

6.  you have been warned!

7.  hope this helps out some of you that are short on cash.


News / Albe's Comp is this weekend..
« on: April 08, 2005, 07:24:06 PM »
Just a quick update to remind you all about the Albe's Comp this weekend (4/10/05) at the Modern park in Novi Mi.  Today (Friday 4/8) we just finished up dividing the Am prizes and it looks as if the top 10 finishers in the AM class will be getting prizes and TONS of them.  Pros gets $$$$ of course so be there or else.  Also it looks like we are going to try and run a BEST TRICK comp sponsored by the crazy fellows of "Team Young". Looks at if there will be some video cameras there taping for Props and tons of good photographers so bring your Kodak Courage.

click below for more info

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