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Messages - jasongotlow

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Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: May 07, 2012, 02:00:22 PM »
i recently did a photo feature for keith treanors website of mike saavedra and his blue bench trails

i took the photos, conducted the interview and there is also helmet cam footage of one of the lines.

please check it out if you have a minute.

Riding Photos / Papoy riding
« on: April 28, 2012, 02:37:09 AM »

Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: January 29, 2010, 04:36:06 AM »
Quote from: Eggit2;3202452
Did the rain wash that landing out too, holy mellow landing.

that landing isnt that mellow just the way the camera is tilted. it also goes directly into a drop roller on the bottom of it, into a deeper section into a large kicker.

Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: January 29, 2010, 01:19:20 AM »

over under.

im the under rider.  

lip is on the back of the far landing. and the landing is just past the closest lip to the camera.

photo was taken after the trails were flooded by rain

Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: January 12, 2010, 06:18:39 PM »
Quote from: kinchy;3186921
Maybe you should have got off your fat ass and built some then.

Don't even mention weather/people to build with/type of soil or any other crap. I live in England. You have no excuse.

I'm not having a go because "it's fun to have a go at Bitzer", if anyone said that they would get the same response.

I fucking hate anyone that moans about not having trails.

you live in england.  so?  youve got some of the best trails in existance in your country.  multiple ones at that.

come live in the desert.  where it rains less that 2 inches a year. the soil is sand with very few areas of clay. we have no creeks or ponds to bucket water out of to even maintain things once built.

you wanna know how long our trail season lasts?   the week after it rains. thats pretty much it. unless youre lucky enough to find a spot to dig at where you can find some sort of water access which damn near never happen around these parts.

sorry to blow up on you. but your post calling someone out for being lazy/moaning about not having trails. not everyone has it as lucky as you do. id kill to live in england and have the trails you can ride whenever you want.

Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: January 12, 2010, 05:12:07 PM »
Quote from: Eggit2;3186511
The gap on ours is maybe 6 feet, really easy to clear. I had to make the berm rollable too because everyone was bitching about the gap, no one even wants to try it even though its super easy.

i love weird lines like that.  id session that over probably any other line at the trails on a daily basis.

Riding Photos / Wild Trail setups
« on: January 12, 2010, 09:36:31 AM »
Quote from: Eggit2;3186197
Its starting to get wild.

After a week of telling people how awesome it would be to have an S-Turn going around the backside of this double and then gapping from that into the next berm, only to have them insist it would never work I went ahead and built it. After some fine tuning of the landing it works great and you can carry good speed into the next berm. No one else wants to hit it though /=

the old trails i dug at in colorado had this exact same setup. same direction turns and everything.  the gap was about 13 feet or so. left hand berm into right hand berm. only it went over a pit of shitwater.   and more than a few people ended up waist deep in that hole.  but if you got the carve into it perfect it was the funnest jump at the trails.

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