The Street > The Bike Shop

36vs48h,,, here, have an anecdote

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i built both these wheels really nice-ly

48 ratchet, dB sapim spokes, ribcage
 (stronger rim but I believe strength is in the spokes)
took a lil over a year to break a spoke, then about two years in I had broken about 4 of them. only had to tru the wheel once in the first year and some months.
took over two years for the wheel to get noticeable lumps and wobbles

36h antigram, dB sapim spokes, birdcage
broke my first spoke in about 9 months and in a lil over a year I've gone through 4more
ive trued this wheel about 3times since I got it a lil over year ago and it is now starting to get noticeable lps and wobbles

Im going just as big of not bigger than I used to go on the old wheel but I'm also much much smoother with my riding since I have arthritis in my elbow now

idk, just thinking I wish antigram came in 48h

You've gone from a wheel built with a heavy duty rim, a large flanged hub and 48 spokes to a lightweight rim, lower flanged hub and 3/4 the amount of spokes. Maybe you'd be fine with a stronger 36h rim or with straight gauge spokes?

48h is dead and gone. Bone Deth make them, but that doesn't mean anyone buys them.

Actually what you may be experiencing is not the decrease in spoke number but rather the decrease in crosses--from 4x down to 3x. The spokes are now shorter, tighter (especially with 3x butted spokes), and less able to flex and rebound accordingly to handle the load. If u can lace up a 36h wheel as a 4x (give it a little caressing and it'll work) and at that with straight gauge spokes (so the spokes press a little more force against eachother) you will have a good bulletproof wheel.

mag wheels for

48 is great, if you hate fixing wheels. if youre smooth its probs not worth it but i stand by if youre a sketchy motherfucker, 48s are the way


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