« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2015, 06:41:27 AM »
i have a never-assembled waterford built trls250 21", usa bb, gastank gusset, no stovepipe seattube. dark green powdercoat with only a few scuffs on the bottom bracket from sitting on a shelf if i remember correctly, it's been a while since i've looked. the 3/8" axle slots appear to have been modified by the guy i got it from, but it looks like only the top side of the dropouts have been ground down and not quite enough to fit a 14mm axle. by grinding down only the top part of the dropout it's probably made the headtube a quarter degree more slack and probably dropped the bb by 1/8" at most. i suppose the dropouts could be repaired by welding a little more material and then grinding it down flush and even with a couple mm taken off both the bottom and top edge of the axle slots.
if you're at all interested, let me know.
Pmed man!

My refs-Oceanblow,Laz, Bonedpwinkle, Timmy_D, Kampgnar, Zee Biker, Dixie BMX, etniesld311, newjerseyken, distressedbikes, ss911turbo, Spikez5, jaythomas, accidentprone and more!