The Street > The Bike Shop
Oil Slick / "jet fuel", really ?
I know this trend happened a tad ago but just the other day I was browsing through my local bmx stores online site and came across a frame which had an oil slick option as the colour, now the frame in it's standard colours is $400 then I saw the oil slick option and I had a fair idea that it would be slightly higher but it came up as $700, yeah only a little rise in price. $300 extra sounds good to me. I don't know what kind of process is used to create that look but I can't see many "kids" buying a frame marked at an extra $300 well maybe I can because kids these days right, this is in AU by the way, just crazy, what do you good fellow's think of this ?
The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo
--- Quote from: BilboBaggins on November 20, 2014, 07:22:49 PM ---The AU thing makes complete sense. Mad gear brooo
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Yeah everything is expensive it farken sucks, are you talking about the distro / scooter MGP company because if you are they suck to.
Prodigal Son:
There's a kid at my park with that certain Au oil slick frame. He's got a handful of their other parts too. Which makes me further hang my head in thinking he could have bought a used car for what he paid for his fruity rainbow bike.
--- Quote from: Prodigal Son on November 20, 2014, 07:53:45 PM ---There's a kid at my park with that certain Au oil slick frame. He's got a handful of their other parts too. Which makes me further hang my head in thinking he could have bought a used car for what he paid for his fruity rainbow bike.
--- End quote ---
I'd most likely think mummy and daddy bought it for him ? But yeah I hear ya.
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