The Street > The Bike Shop
Anybody ride DH here?
Rode DH at winter park a month or so ago. Raddest thing I have ever done. Definitely getting a season pass next year. Hoping to get some races under my belt next summer for sure.
Two wheels, going fast, and dirt. Close enough to BMX right?!
Downhill is awesome. What do you ride?
I neglected my bmx for about 4 months while I rode DH 3-4 times a week. Once I got back on the bmx my bike control had improved hugely.
Yeah, I've gone the last 5 years in a row, and brought quite a few bmx and xc-mtb friends into it.... I think a lot of BMX'ers still aren't aware of the radness going on in the mountains. This shit IS "bicycle motocross" !! A ton of the guys, at least in the Colorado scene, are crossover BMX/MTB riders. Anyone with BMX trails or BMX race skills will roast DH. But, I advise.... wear the gear... I got my first ever knockout (with a Protec on) and separated collarbone this past July.
Cheyenne Brad, checking out "Hot Wheels" at Winter Park before it officially opened:
Rode DH for 6 years till I went to Uni and got a BMX. Raced a few NPS but stopped all that when I lived in sheff and didn't have a car. Would love to start again but with trying to fit in Road, XC, Motorbike, Dogs, Girlfriend and work i've got no chance.
I've got a shitty old giant i wheel out every few months, just booking flights for an annual group outing to spain next month. Burly over there, the rocks don't fuck about, big, pointy and numerous.
A mates edit of our wobbly gopro footage...
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