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Messages - Sasper

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The Bike Shop / Re: lets talk tire sizes, pressures etc
« on: November 23, 2015, 10:34:05 AM »
but what about answering my question, which is that , is there any truth behind bigger tire  - less psi - better bunnyhop?
i dont think so but..

The Bike Shop / lets talk tire sizes, pressures etc
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:44:51 AM »
hi guyz, I havent been posting lately, and as dead as this place is, I still like to check in from time to time.
so, If any of the older members remember me besides my vote for my sister thread haha, I have always been saying that big tires ( 2.1 and bigger ) suck and are stupid etc.
when I first got my KHE 1.9 MAC 1.5 street tires ( its about 1.9" wide ) I fell in love, light , good grip and I like the shape cause I do alot of hang 5 etc, feels round , so shifting to manual 180s feels natural ( not like my ODSY paths did which always felt like (_) kind of. )

ok so, this summer I was talking to this local pro , he rides some 2.3 tires from demolition I think. I asked what pressure he has in there and why.
he said 4.3 bars ( mine are at 6 in the summer, and 5.something in the spring since my wrists are not used to hard shocks. )
and the reason he said, lower pressure helps him hop higher.
 can there be any truth to that?
as in , you press down hard before the bunnyhop and you load the tires with pressure and when you finally start going up .02 seconds later this flex and pressure will give you more pop ?

what do you guys think?

The Lounge / Re: Paris
« on: November 22, 2015, 06:16:37 AM »
I am with alaskun on this one.
the world is fucked up,
everything is about money.
wars bring it in.

pic of infect hub please.
maybe you know of any infect forks ?

The Bike Shop / Re: Euro/Interbike 2015
« on: September 24, 2015, 06:54:50 PM »
T least you'll be able to run everyone's cranks. And buy bearings off the shelf for some of them

Technically speaking you still won't be able to get off the shelf bearings for 22mm mid. They are generally only common now in the bike industry. That was the whole benefit of Spanish BB's, the 37mm outer diameter was available off the shelf in many inner diameter options to suit the numerous spindle diameters of the day (excluding 15/16" as it wasn't around).

However, Spanish was always just that bit too small.


why? are they really too weak? never had a problem with mine I think (when I used to run it) , saves a considerable amount  of weight , with bearings and bb being smaller.

The Lounge / Re: Go pro cameras
« on: September 15, 2015, 10:29:22 AM »
I have a gopro 3+ black edition ( the best from 3 series ), it has the remote, which is good for me, I think 4series did not come with the remote but had a screen on the back of the camera, not totally sure though Could be wrong. anyways mine is great for quality etc, the newer ones have better fps at higher resolutions, thats pretty much it. I hardly use mine so I cannot compare batterylife etc.

The Bike Shop / Re: Parts u h8
« on: September 08, 2015, 05:21:51 AM »
tires bigger than 2.1 , because it has no benefit , weighs more, looks gay , waste of materials.
plastic pedals, most people would have 33% bigger chance to land a trick, but they put these slippery stupid things on and complain, they suck, they should all ride (ruben) metal pedals with metal pins and man the fück up - land mre tricks , get ladies WINWINWIN
shadow chain
also unequal flanges on hubs- I understand the reasons but still it bothers me.

The Lounge / Re: Post Internet Funnies
« on: June 26, 2015, 05:40:44 PM »
wow, these guys are killing it!

The Bike Shop / Re: FAO: FBM Custom Frame Owners in the UK
« on: May 29, 2015, 04:05:19 PM »
Have someone from the states order one for you.once he recieves it he will send it to you, marked as a it should be no taxes. Bought my vr6 pistons like that. Probably saved around 200 eur and many days in time.

The Lounge / Re: Simple session 2015 - post show discussion
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:49:22 PM »
First time in the history of simple session I couldn't go and watch it in person. Watched it online. I personally feel like the judging was off. Devon smillie should have been ranked higher. Also drew bezanson didnt have a clean run and clipped the back wheel off of that huge wallride.peraza did a great run and as a last trick pulled a perfect huge 900 barspin. I think this time he shouldve taken the win.

Sell and Swap / wtb rnc ti barends
« on: April 05, 2015, 05:12:18 AM »
Hi. Maybe someone has these little parts. Id like to buy them from someone.
Must ship to europe.


The Lounge / Re: Middle name my child.
« on: March 27, 2015, 02:44:56 AM »

The Lounge / Re: New Random Thoughts Thread
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:39:36 PM »
I enjoy going out to eat minus wife
For some reason I read "I enjoy going out to eat wife"

I read it as I enjoy eating out my wife.

me three

Sell and Swap / Re: Anyone want new old Snafu stock?
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:38:21 PM »
have you sold the pegs?

The Bike Shop / Re: 3D printed titanium parts
« on: March 13, 2015, 12:33:04 PM »
ohmahhgaaawdd ( spelling? )  that RNC picture is so good. reminds me of great times in bmx!

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