« on: November 22, 2015, 06:44:51 AM »
hi guyz, I havent been posting lately, and as dead as this place is, I still like to check in from time to time.
so, If any of the older members remember me besides my vote for my sister thread haha, I have always been saying that big tires ( 2.1 and bigger ) suck and are stupid etc.
when I first got my KHE 1.9 MAC 1.5 street tires ( its about 1.9" wide ) I fell in love, light , good grip and I like the shape cause I do alot of hang 5 etc, feels round , so shifting to manual 180s feels natural ( not like my ODSY paths did which always felt like (_) kind of. )
ok so, this summer I was talking to this local pro , he rides some 2.3 tires from demolition I think. I asked what pressure he has in there and why.
he said 4.3 bars ( mine are at 6 in the summer, and 5.something in the spring since my wrists are not used to hard shocks. )
and the reason he said, lower pressure helps him hop higher.
can there be any truth to that?
as in , you press down hard before the bunnyhop and you load the tires with pressure and when you finally start going up .02 seconds later this flex and pressure will give you more pop ?
what do you guys think?