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The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 30, 2011, 01:21:57 PM »
LOVE M1A's... If I was down south I'd have to go shooting with you guys.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 29, 2011, 05:29:54 PM »
Quote from: Hank Chinaski;3426651
Suggestions for a cheap home defense shotgun?  I know it won't be ideal but I'm guessing I could still go blast some skeet every now and then with it right?  Changing the choke up maybe?  Not really that well versed with shotguns.

Also, theres a chance I might be moving to California.  I've got pistols and am planning on buying the shotgun.  Anything I need to know?  Do I have to register the guns or anything like that?  I don't conceal carry or anything so that won't be an issue.  

Thanks dudes.

Mossberg makes a model 500 pump that includes a 18" barrel for defense and a 30" ribbed barrel for skeet or birds. They are usually under $250 on sale up here in the NW.

Quote from: Dead End;3426662
FAL or L1A1  ....why would a US solider be using that are they being issued now ?

Foreign weapons familiarization. You put rounds through damn near every common foreign rifle.

Quote from: Shake Junt;3426663
This is gonna sound basic as fuck but I know nothing about guns, but what would be a good "cowboy" gun?

Im a little embarassed asking this in such a manly thread.

A ruger single six is a good "cowboy style" revolver. Not a reproduction or anything but just a good single action revolver. And it's a .22 so it's really inexpensive to shoot.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 28, 2011, 04:33:07 PM »
Quote from: couch;3426354
While it may be slightly slimmer, you're sacraficing a few rounds when using the flush magazine. PPS is 6+1 right? G27 is 9+1.

Not trying to say you made a bad choice at all, just throwing that out there. I feel there is a great deal of misguided dislike towards Glock, and I don't understand it. I've been to the range with guys that straight up refuse to shoot my Glock even though they have never shot/handled one.

Regardless, nice purchase.

For me personally, I can't get past the grip angle on glocks, and I am still slightly wary of the "safe action" trigger for Iwb carry.  Also, the thickness on their carry models are still kind of high.

I like the melt job on your 27. Did you do that yourself?

I ended up with a PF9 due to how thin and light it is, and the true DAO trigger. 7+1 is nice too.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 28, 2011, 12:52:36 AM »
Quote from: Birdmane;3426103
I got a new Chicago Typewriter.

That CRC hydragraphics is sick....but wayyy too expensive.

Also whats the deal with piston ARs?

DI clearly works fine and there aren't any problems, unless youre running a 14 inch barreled gun, which needs a stamp.  Then you get an advantage.  

If its not broke don't fix it?  The proprietary uppers that have pistons are cool but I don't like the piston kits and shit like that.  Save the pistons for the AKs and the m4s.  DI is good in my book.

M4's aren't even piston... Just a plain old colt AR upper on it.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 25, 2011, 01:24:40 PM »
Quote from: Birdmane;3424761
Yeah I pretty much stole it price wise.  Selling it to make my money back plus purchase a vz58 and m76 kit.


EDIT:  For anyone wondering, that rifle is a Poly-Tech milled receiver AK and is one of the nicest AK's you'll ever see. :thup:

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 24, 2011, 11:43:57 PM »
^^^ AMAZING AK right there.  I'm in love.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 23, 2011, 11:48:49 AM »
Quote from: JFax;3424147
Whats the limit of what your allowed to have in your home in the states?
Is it case by case or is there a limit in calibre or anything?
Like can you have an actual machine gun? RPG?

No explosives our rockets or anything... Lol

The rest is a state by state basis. In most states though:

Full auto is highly regulated and can be had after a ton of paperwork and like $10,000+ just for the gun. Silencers are regulated so there is extra paperwork but they are under $1000 usually. Short barrel rifles/shotguns just needs some extra paperwork too. Caliber is limited to .50cal max with no restrictions under that.

Other than that there is no limit to the amount of guns one can have, as long as you have the money to buy them. I think some states limit how often you can purchase then but the limit is something like 3 per month just to prevent  distributing then without a license.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 23, 2011, 02:04:04 AM »
That's some shiny new web gear and a nicely painted AR... now go get it dirty and beat the crap out of it. :thup:

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: April 21, 2011, 06:43:56 PM »
Love Sigs, their DA/SA/Decocker setup is great.

Bike Gallery / Bikes you miss
« on: April 18, 2011, 09:03:17 PM »
I miss the hell out of my Ebco ELF... I never got any real pictures of that thing built up but I have a frame only pic somewhere.

The Bike Shop / 22 inches
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:03:19 PM »
The bike sounds like a good idea, but until more companies start making 22" tires and rims the idea will go nowhere.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: February 15, 2011, 12:32:41 PM »
Quote from: Rick James;3395487
I don't think they've ever really had issues with their revolvers.  It's mostly been their semis from my understanding.

I've heard the same.  Then again it's kind of hard to screw up a DAO revolver...

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:42:22 PM »
Quote from: GUNNSS;3381697
Use a hair dryer, it also works well.

I want a delta elite!

That was the plan, I figured a heat gun would be too intense for the wood to handle.  And my BBQ is too small for the stock...

And a 10mm is something I've always wanted to fire, but I haven't had the opportunity yet.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:48:21 AM »
Quote from: GUNNSS;3381673
I got an sks that was dunked in cosmoline somewhere in Yugoslavia.  Its a 59 non issue I believe.  

I took it completely apart, turned on my grill to about 100 degrees and put all the wood on tin foil and grilled it in there for 4 hours.  The cosmoline melted out of the stock.  Then I sanded it and stained it, lacquered it, now it looks beautiful.

Would anyone like to purchase a Dan Wesson .44 mag, six inch ported barrel, stainless steel?

FFL transfers welcome.

Mine's a 59/66A1, it was re-arsenaled at some point in time so i assume it was issued.  I'm planning to heat the cosmoline out of the stock one of these days, I got it out of everything else but the damn wood absorbs it so well.

The Lounge / Post Your Guns
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:43:32 AM »
Figured I'd share with you guys... this is for the 1911 lovers.

The rollmark is kind of faint- it's an original Colt series 80 Combat Elite.  This was an uncle's (CHP Officer) spare duty gun in the 80's, who sold it to my father-in-law, who put some rounds through it around 1990 and that's it.  It sat in a soft case in his closet for 18 years completely caked in carbon deposits and fouling.  2 cans of gun scrubber and hours upon hours of cleaning and it's back to its original glory.

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