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Messages - Bunky

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Bike Gallery / Re: Daily Pictures v2
« on: January 31, 2019, 04:24:09 PM »
I would expect to pay 450 - 750 depending on who you get to build it and what kinds of requirements you have. 

Bike Gallery / Re: Daily Pictures v2
« on: January 24, 2019, 08:52:04 AM »
Hell yeah, post that shit!
What's considered short on a cruiser? What about bb height? I've looked at some cruisers online and most seem to have low BBs relative to wheel size, I guess they're more racing oriented but surely a higher BB and shorter rear end would be more fun for street or park.

So this frame has the following geo:
Toptube: 22
Headtube: 75 degree
Seattube: 69 degree
Chainstay: 13.75 slammed, currently sitting just under 14
Bottom bracket:  12.7
Standover: 9.5

The bottom bracket is pretty low compared to stuff like the Colony & Sunday cruisers at 13.8, and the old Fit CR24's that had 13.5 bb's.  I kind of like it with the short back end, though.  The feel of the bike is still a lot like a 20.  I've been playing around with a LOT of cruisers and have another custom that's a 13.25bb with a 14 inch rear end that rides pretty good.  I'm about to do another custom that's going to be similar, and maybe another where I push the geo to extremes. 

Just for reference, my 20 is a Mutiny Animist with a 14 inch rear end and 21.5 top tube.  I can't ride any of these newer frames with ridiculously short rear ends and crazy tall bars.  I just loop out and eat shit all the time. 

I need to post up a more recent clip of me dicking around on my micro ramp I built in my garage.  The ramp is tiny, ceiling is super low, and the cruiser makes it all a little bit smaller feeling too. 

Bike Gallery / Re: Daily Pictures v2
« on: January 22, 2019, 12:23:59 PM »
You got recent clips on your non public Instagram?

Oops.  Made it not private now.

Sick bike. Is it a model c?

It's a custom Stout with a super short rear end (by cruiser standards).  I've got a Model-C that I need to put the back wheel back on post on here too.  I've got a bunch of cruisers I should post up actually.

Bike Gallery / Re: Daily Pictures v2
« on: January 09, 2019, 08:27:42 PM »
Built this cruiser up recently. 

I've got some clips of my riding street on my cruisers on my Instagram:
and a couple on YouTube:

...If anyone cares.

The Lounge / Re: I'm on the east coast
« on: January 09, 2019, 08:16:14 PM »
If you end up coming anywhere near Raleigh, NC, hit me up and we can ride some street.

Sell and Swap / Re: FS: Sunday Soundwave 21.25
« on: January 09, 2019, 08:14:40 PM »
If you end up parting it, I'd take those cranks.

Sell and Swap / Re: Looking for Socket Drive cranks
« on: October 04, 2018, 12:06:02 PM »
Nah, don't have anything that short to trade.

160 is probably going to be too short for me, but thanks for the response.

Sell and Swap / Looking for Socket Drive cranks
« on: September 30, 2018, 10:24:22 AM »
Anybody have any socket drive cranks they want to sell?

Sell and Swap / Re: WTB - Profile Driver
« on: June 26, 2018, 11:03:47 AM »
Awesome.  I have bearings, just no driver. 

Shoot me a text four zero four, four four four, eighteen fiftythree.

Sell and Swap / WTB - Profile Driver
« on: June 26, 2018, 09:44:04 AM »
Anyone have a 9, 10, or 11 tooth profile RHD driver they want to sell?

Bike Gallery / Re: The Bikeguide Barcode build-off thread
« on: June 26, 2018, 08:44:53 AM »
Yeh, that is one badass bike!

Who countersunk the stem for you?

Bike Gallery / Re: The Bikeguide Barcode build-off thread
« on: June 21, 2018, 08:34:44 AM »
That bike looks crazy good.  The gold seat post actually sets it off in a good way.

You trimmed the dropouts and went shorter on the rear end IIRC?

Bike Gallery / Re: Mutiny
« on: May 24, 2018, 02:22:50 PM »
I like the black 2 piece a lot more than the look of the 4 piece on it.  Makes it a smooth looking bike with the flat black fork.

Let's see a side shot!

Sell and Swap / Re: Get this stuff out of my closet
« on: April 20, 2018, 04:15:39 PM »
texted about Dugan stem.

I haven't used the fly spring hangers, but I do like my Springfields.  I agree with Tom that the stock pads are shit, though.  You can make them work, but they always felt kinda squishy to me.  Other flat pads make Springfields feel real stiff. 

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