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Topics - sheepdog

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The Lounge / No more boobs, butts and sexy poses.
« on: March 11, 2015, 04:00:12 PM »
Google has changed policies and now even posting breasts will get you thrown out of their ad program.
This includes anime, sheer, sexy poses and anything else sexual related.

This is no tolerance, Google has already sent warnings.

News / Ways to acess BG (mobile users)
« on: March 23, 2013, 04:08:27 PM »
Besides the obvious website, Tapatalk works.

For those without Tapatalk,
If you scroll to the bottom you will see WAP2, that is the mobile version of the forum.

An Android app is in development as well.

First off, any incomplete registration older than 14 days will be removed.
This frees up usernames and email addresses, so if yours fails, give it a bit and it will be freed up.

Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, whatever, now works.
The new spam system should stop far more spammers than before, even with more lax restrictions.

News / Gmail can now be used to register.
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:22:26 PM »
Since Spam seems to have been cut down to acceptable levels, I have been asked to free up Gmail for people to use to register with.

If it gets bad, I will re-enable the block.

News / Tapatalk has been installed.
« on: May 05, 2012, 04:08:50 AM »
This allows you easier access from your phone.  bikesmile2

Just search for Bikeguide.

Android users can lookup Tapatalk on the Play store, and find Convo, it's a free Tapatalk client.
You will have to actually type out "" to connect, but it works.

Not sure if there is anything similar for Iphone or Blackberry.

Site Help and Rules / Cussing in sigs
« on: November 12, 2011, 07:04:32 AM »
Is a bannable. Get rid of them guys.

This has been a paid service announcement by me! We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. There will be no further interruptions.

News / Forum downtime
« on: January 12, 2011, 09:17:27 PM »
Sorry for the downtime.
There has been some new exploits wrecking havoc with forums, especially Vbulletin.

Also, new spam/registration protection has been implemented.

Depending on how this goes, I may re-open more common, free email registration, but I need to see how this goes first.

News / Holiday Banner Sale
« on: October 13, 2008, 11:40:52 PM »
For a limited time banners are available at last years price.
Get them while they are hot. Pm or email me for prices. You can do one month, 6 months or a year and you can pay now and use it at a later date.

Site Help and Rules / Closing registration and Bg's future.
« on: March 16, 2008, 07:32:22 PM »
Due to the thread about all of the new people here there seems to be a lot of talk about closing Bg’s registration. Let me set the record straight (for the 50,000 time).

Bg has and always will be open registration. It was the premise it was founded on and it is partly what I believe makes it what it is. Does it go through good and bad cycles, of course, but every site has that happen. Closing registration causes its own set of problems, none of which I want.  One of which is how do you know who the next George (Gsport) is and know to let him in: or how about the next Ted (Seshin). Locking the place down keeps out some bad, but you will not know how much good you are blocking out either.

Does this mean Bg will get so big that I cannot keep it running, not likely. Between the ads and what I make, I can keep this place going pretty easily. Some things may need to change, but it should not be a problem. I can always ad more moderators of need be or adjust how pages are displayed. Let me worry about that side of it.

Just be nice, welcome the new guys, and appreciate the place for what it is. That new guy you are ragging on could be the next Dave Mirra, Rob-O or George French. Or it could even be one of them.

Site Help and Rules / Deleted or missing threads.
« on: March 04, 2008, 12:03:05 PM »
It has come to my attention that some of you are annoyed with recent thread deletes so I figured it would be a good time to let people know a bit more about how we operate.

We do over 1800 edits per month just on threads and posts, this does not take into problems with your accounts, Pm's, bans, or anything else we deal with on a daily basis, that is JUST editing and deleting. Typically the better we do, the less you notice.

We have some new people, they may be a little trigger happy. Personally, I am glad they are, it helps make up for any slacking the older ones may have been doing, including myself. We needed fresh people to push things back to how they need to be.

If a thread disappears there was a good reason for it. It may not have fit with Bg, may have been a bit graphic, or it may have just been lame.
We do what we do to make this place more enjoyable for everyone, including ourselves. Being a staff member is work, it may be a labor of love, it may even be fun, but it is still work.

Bg is run similar to King Arthurs Court. When a major decision needs to be made, they are involved as I can allow them to be.  I give the staff the ability to have free reign in terms of how Bg should be ran and they in turn give the site direction. I stand behind whatever they decide, and it is pretty rare when a decision is overturned, when they do, there is usually extenuating circumstances. Don't come crying to me expecting me to change things.

Point is, we spend a lot of time cleaning this place up, we do not need to spend more time constantly explaining WHY we did what we did.

We would rather spend our time enjoying the site just like you do.

Site Help and Rules / Current Bg staff (updated)
« on: March 02, 2008, 05:19:22 PM »
Current Admins:

Current Mods:
Sal Paradise
Hank Chinaski
Mack Bolan

Forum specific Mods:
trenchbmx, Phillip Frentsworth, Jame$ - Hate Forum
trailstar, Bink, Not Danny Tanner - Other Forums category
freebirdrider27 - Non-riding Photo/Video/Multimedia Forum
rideabike - Riding Videos

Site Help and Rules / Posting about P2p, limewire, warez etc...
« on: January 12, 2008, 01:21:54 PM »
Some of you dumbasses fail to read the rules, so here you go.

How stupid are you?
This board is indexed by search engines.
It can and does get monitored by music, movie and of course bike companies. I am sure Odyssey just loves you guys asking right in front of them how to get their videos for free.

You may as well sign a piece of paper stating you are breaking the law since that is what it equates to. One Bg member is already in court for things he said on another forum and look at all the people fired over things posted on Myspace, the music and movie lawsuits...

Don't be such a bunch of morons.
Anyone can monitor this place.
In fact:
Links to BG from Yahoo: 364,556
Links to Bg from Google: 92,700
Links to BG from Altavista: 366,000
Links to Bg from Alltheweb: 360,000

I really would prefer not to be asked to testify against you in court.

News / New Computer site
« on: January 01, 2008, 10:35:57 PM »

News / Only 3 days left to lock in at $30 per month advertising.
« on: December 28, 2007, 01:05:53 PM »
Like the title says, after this month the price goes up.

Current rate is $30 for one month, $150 for 6, $300 for 12 months locked in while you still can. You can pay now and advertise later if you like many have done this.
Pm or email me for more details (email is this name at

This is very, very cheap.

News / Bg advertising, better hurry!
« on: December 08, 2007, 04:47:48 PM »
Those of you considering it should consider doing so now.

As of New Years I will be increasing the rate a bit as they are significantly undervalued and have never been raised since the early days of BG. If you would like to pay ahead of time to lock in at the current rate that is fine as well. You would not be the first.

The rates even after a hike will still not only be undervalued, as I see it as a benefit to small manufacturers, but also be VERY far below what a magazine will charge you.

Pm or email me for rates (my username at bikeguide). They will not be posted here. Discounts available for multiple month purchases.

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