i've got my bmx for bmxing and fixie for work/ distance so it would be an inbetweener and also if someone came over who didn't have a bike as i live a bit far from town
when did cruisers come out? i din't think they were that old
Um . . . . When did cruisers come out? I was going to say since BMX was invented. But, that's not exactly right. 20" and 26" were being raced in the 70s. It around 1981 that better BMX companies introduced 24"s for racing the cruiser class. (Before that, the cruiser class was 26").
http://bmxmuseum.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=628483&p=1 So, there have been 24" race cruisers since 1981.
The 1993/1994 S&M Widowmaker was maybe the first 24" that was arguably not a race cruiser. It had the same dropouts as the Dirt Bike and Holmes those years, which, although they originated from the race scene, were considered a dirt jump bike as well as something you could put pegs on because of the thicker dropouts.
Around 1996, Homeless made one cruiser, the Fatty.
http://cruiserrevolution.com/tag/homeless-bikes-fatty-24/1996, Brooklyn Machine Works did a heavy duty 24" for dirt jumping:
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/brooklyn_machine_works/56244Standard did some custom 24" Shamans around 1999. (I got to ride one of them at Texas Toast a few years ago; a guy from Tennessee had one).
GACK had a 24" Cannibal in 2000:
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/gack/77952In the early 2000's the Haro Backtrail 24" and Giant Mosh Method 24" would have both been considered dirt jumper 24"s not race 24"s. Same with the DK General Lee 24".
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/mosh/38288The S&M .38 Special 24" was made from 2000 to present (or maybe just 2012)
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/sandm/?model=193 It did have v-brakes, so it was race-ish, but it was chromoly and people hit dirt jumps on them.
In the late 2000's there were quite a few street/park/trails 24"s.
2006 Shadow Conspiracy Invisible Man 24"
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/shadow_conspiracy/245 2008 We the People Unified:
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/wethepeople_bike_co/20452 2008 and 2009 Eastern TrailDigger 24"
MirraCo Icon 24:
http://www.bicyclebluebook.com/searchlistingdetail.aspx?id=3033710 2009 FIT CR 24":
http://bmxmuseum.com/bikes/fit_bike_co/357222009 Giant Method 24"
http://www.giant-bicycles.com/en-us/bikes/bmx/2319/32222/This guy Greg Melms, built a 24" bmx with 13.75" chainstays some time in 2007. (I got to ride a MELMS around 2008/09 at Ray's. The short cs was verrrrrry snappy. )
Jim C, Sunday