« on: October 13, 2015, 09:03:25 AM »
Haven't been on here in a while...but as our spot is in danger of being torn down to be replaced by a multi-storey carpark (as if our city doesn't have enough already...) I thought I would share this on BG in hope some people will recognise the spot and be inclined to help save it...
Forgive the horrible, horrible vinyl print on the side of the building...it's partly used as a "youth centre" which invests as little interest as possible in the actual "youthful" people that use and have been using the place for well over ten years, and I have no idea who condoned that being put there but it is as horrible as it looks.

Forgive the horrible, horrible vinyl print on the side of the building...it's partly used as a "youth centre" which invests as little interest as possible in the actual "youthful" people that use and have been using the place for well over ten years, and I have no idea who condoned that being put there but it is as horrible as it looks.