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Messages - unxetas

Pages: [1]
Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: July 02, 2007, 04:14:27 PM »
I'm fairly sure Global Priority packages don't ever change from "acceptance" on the usps website, as they're not tracked.. I've had a package like that once that wouldn't show up and after about 2 months, it showed up back at the senders doorstep.. Turns out royalmail tried to deliver it but either didn't leave a card, or someone took it by mistake and I never knew it was waiting for me at the local depot.

Might be worth going to your local royalmail depot and asking if they can find it?

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: September 29, 2005, 03:32:15 PM »
well I've had some great deals with elgan m. (profile crank tool) and rebel (elementary), both went smoothly..

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 04, 2005, 09:35:00 PM »
haha.. the only thing you got to prove with those pics is that you had to disassemble them before shipping. If you insist that they were fine in that picture (which isn't even obvious - scale it up to 200% and and you'll see what I mean) the only other possibility is you beat the crap out of them to take them off.

I striped and repainted the crank arms today, if I knew this topic was still going on, I would've taken pictures of the dents on the metal. They don't look nothing like hammer damage.

I don't care anymore about the cranks or you - but I can't avoid getting angry when called both liar and stupid.

Again, enough is enough.

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:33:54 PM »
why would I even do that is beyond comprehension dude. I've been out of my bike since january, after selling the old cranks and not having enough money for another set. So I open a package with a perfect set of profiles, grab a hammer (or a rock!) and beat the crap out of them.

That makes a whole lot of sense.

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 03, 2005, 09:09:34 PM »
no need to be sorry fit

it is stupid to argue, we all know there will be no end to this. whoever cares can draw their own conclusions. Whatever both of us say means nothing but so you all know - I don't even have a hammer around the house. Or whatever imperial allen key the bolts need. Or again, the washers for the spindle bolts. For the sake of god (in whom I don't even believe) how would I bend a fkn arm! If I had to do this for some college project, I wouldn't know how to go about it!

yeah, I'm sore about it - I should've payed 40 bucks more and bought new ones.

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 03, 2005, 08:41:27 PM »
as I said on my last email to you, nope, the mail couldn't do that. even I couldn't do that in a month of riding, let alone at attempting a stupid installation without the parts I said were missing. Further proof that these are the cranks you sent me: notice the spot on the splindle boss or whatever that is called.

there's the same spot on your cranks:

The arm is bent outwards, there's no way to even notice that on your picture.

I can't do a thing to get my money back, so enjoy it. But don't come around calling me a child or trying to make a fool of myself, I'm neither of those. But legally, you're at least one. I hope everyone else who reads this will be smart enough to notice that noone could do that to a crank arm while attempting to install them.

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 03, 2005, 08:20:30 PM »
wtf?? We are definately not talking about the same cranks. Funny how the picture of the cranks I got is the same as the ones you were selling me with the  euro bb! Which you didn't because you couldn't find the euro bearings - btw, I could've gotten cheaper cranks in the first place, but I trusted you and got f#cked. Funny you make a point of finding cheaper cranks, wouldn't that be just like what you did to fitbmx86 with the profile wheel?

here's some pics of what I got TODAY - not even a monkey could do that while attempting to install them. btw, I wouldn't even try to install cranks without a b.b. spacer, and fyi, I've been installing cranks on my bike for half of your life.

Sell and Swap / Trusted/Un-trustworthy sellers
« on: March 03, 2005, 06:23:17 PM »
Quote from: AfterMidnightBMX
First of all, I never said the sprocket was perfect, actually I said there was some usual wear. Its not as bad as you're trying to say. AND the sprocket is not bent at all, I made sure I checked that before I shipped anything.

^^^should've read that before!

I just got some cranks from AfterMidnightBMX, which had "nothing wrong with them". When I opened the package I was kinda pissed to see one bent arm, no bb spacer, no flush bolt spacers, and a bearing with a hole through the side.

Scratches, small dents, ugly paint jobs = nothing wrong
structural damage, holes, bends, missing parts = big fkn problems!

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