I don't think anyone bought them to tell you how it went. Ask seth kimbrough
Lol hahah. He's still our reli-rock hero though!
i nearly threw up when i saw these. 2 piece powerbites? arreeeeeuuuurrrrrghhhhhhhh fuck you primo
these new ones are disgusting though, another colossal primo fail
I don't really see where you're coming from. But i respect your point of view nonetheless.
It's just, they look 99,9% like the old powerbites, which imho weren't badly designed or shaped. You just need to like alloy cranks.
So to me, saying those look disgusting is saying any power/hollowbite looks disgusting.
That's opinion. But what is so fail about it?
I don't see how there's anything wrong with 2-piece since everybody and their dog are producing 2 piece cranks.
The 2 piece design allows for these nice big hollow axles, and without these axles your cranks are nót going to sell these days.
Basically it's reduced in weight, while maintaining strength, plus they've updated the crankarm connecting interface to something that is going to outperform the previous design.
Doesn't sound bad to me.
Your maintenance rules are right on, if you have 'old school' power/hollowbites; not a bad thing to say about it.
But the industry moved on to bigger and better things, Primo adjusted their design to the specs of todays consumers, and kept it looking like the same stuff.
If you ask me, apart from knowing how the inserts perfom, i'd say Primo did a good job on 'keeping up' 3 years late.
JUST like with their first female cassette.
That's a whole other story though, not smart but regardless, i still like to think Primo is a good company heh heh.